A trademark, being word or logo, is a valuable asset of the trademark holder. It represents to whom the goods or services belong. Trademark registration provides the trademark owners many legal/commercial benefits and helps protect the owners’ rights against the infringers.
Every country has its own jurisdiction. There are different stipulations, laws and trademark prosecution depending on each jurisdiction. The time consumption for trademark registration differs from one country to another.
We offer our clients a full range of trademark works both domestic and worldwide for the following services:
Trademark Prosecution:
Prepare all required forms/documents
Trademark Search
New Filing/Registration
Trademark Opposition/Cancellation
Maintenance of Marks
Amendments of Marks
Legal Advice on others
Trademark Litigation:
Our litigation attorneys combine their comprehensive knowledge and experience to apply with facts given by the clients to complete our cases.
In trademark litigation, our services consist of pre-litigation/litigation process that are as follows:
Criminal Action:
(1) Preliminary Investigation
(2) In-Depth Investigation
(3) Police Raid Action
(4) Private Criminal Lawsuit
Civil Action:
(1) Trademark Infringement
(2) Passing-Off
(3) Cancellation of Trademark on Better Title Ground
(4) Appeal/Cancellation of Trademark Board’s Decisions